Dangerous Dog Treats
Poor Mia came a cropper last month after being given some dangerous dog treats. There are a lot of treats on the market and smoked bones seem to be all the rage.
Mia was given smoked kangaroo ribs as a treat. They are sharp little things and Mia made a funny gagging noise when swallowing them. She then looked uncomfortable all night.
Mia was brought into Pittwater Animal Hospital first thing the next day and we imagined these sharp ribs must have scratched the back of her throat. Luckily she is a good girl and let Dr Jill open her mouth and look in her throat. Wedged across the back of her mouth was a sharp piece of rib.
The bone was too wedged to remove conscious so Mia had an immediate general anaesthetic and the rib was carefully manipulated out of her mouth. It had poked either end into her left and right tonsillar crypt.
No significant damage was done and Mia woke up feeling very relieved. She wont be having any more of those smoked ribs though.