If your diabetic pet is due for a glucose curve please call us on 9913 7979 to schedule a day to come in.
The Glucose Curve is an in-house procedure used to monitor blood glucose levels throughout the day in pets with diabetes. This test is used in pets that have recently been diagnosed with diabetes or as a regular monitoring tool to ensure the patient is being managed appropriately. The Vet will then make any appropriate adjustments to the insulin dosage or management plan for your pet.
At Pittwater Animal Hospital the Glucose Curve is done at a fixed price which covers
- Hospitalisation
- Blood glucose readings
- In-house urine testing +/- Sedivue
- Veterinary case review
Glucose curves are best done when your feeding and insulin regime has been very stable so we can get a picture of an average day.
On the day of the glucose curve –
- Feed and dose your pet with the usual food at the usual time and give the usual amount of insulin.
- On arrival your pet will be weighed and a pick up time is arranged.
- We will ask the insulin dose and times given am and pm.
- We will ask for the food type and amount. We will also ask how much water your pet has been drinking. If your pet snacks during the day please bring some food for us to give in hospital.
- Blood glucose tests will be taken at intervals during the day
- A urine sample will be taken to examine for glucose, ketones or for signs of infection.
Please pick up your pet before it is due food and insulin in the evening.
Your veterinarian will analyse the results and within 24 hours decide if any changes are needed in your pet’s diabetic management.