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Harvey was hit by a car – but it took 3 weeks to realise something was very wrong.

This is Harvey. He’s a seven-year-old cavoodle.

Harvey got loose and was very unfortunately hit by a car. Miraculously, he walked away from the accident. To make sure Harvey was okay he was taken straight to the vet.

Harvey was walking well. His oxygenation was good and his mentation (mental activity) seemed normal. We knew he would be sore the next day so he was given some pain relief to go home with and something to make him a little forgetful of the accident.

Harvey’s owners were instructed to observe him closely. To especially make sure he was urinating normally and breathing normally. Burst bladders and lung problems can be hidden for hours after an accident.

Harvey was home for a few weeks but he really wasn’t right. He lost his appetite and was often panting. Harvey generally looked uncomfortable.

When Harvey revisited PAH and Dr Juliet gave him a sedative and took xrays of his chest and abdomen. Immediately she could see something was wrong.

This is a normal dog chest xray
Harvey’s chest xray which shows the diaphragmatic hernia.

Harvey’s diaphragm had been damaged. This is the wall between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. His liver had moved into his chest cavity giving Harvey’s lungs very little room to expand.

This is a normal dog chest xray
Harvey’s chest xray which shows the diaphragmatic hernia.

Harvey was quickly referred to NVS up at Terrey Hills where the specialist surgeons assessed him and repaired his diaphragm in a very complex surgery.

It has been a slow recovery but Harvey is now fully recovered and should be back to normal over time.

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