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Hernia Repair at Desexing

When your dog is desexed at Pittwater Animal Hospital they are always carefully examined for any small problems that can be rectified under anaesthetic. The most common problems are retained baby teeth or the presence of an umbilical hernia.

Little Sally, a 6 month old cavoodle came in for desexing. She had an umbilical hernia about 10mm in diameter. The umbilical artery and vein supply nutrition to puppies when they are in the womb. After birth, the blood vessels shrivel and drop off and the area crusts over and heals. Sometimes the muscles of the abdomen do not completely seal, leaving a hole in the muscle but not the skin. The puppy has a sticky-outy belly button called an umbilical hernia.

Little bits of fat push through the hernia hole and can cause discomfort. As dogs age the hernia can become larger and more uncomfortable.

During the desexing operation the hernia can also be repaired. It is an extra charge as the the incision is made in a different area to the desexing.

An incision is made over the hernia and the hole in the muscle wall is identified and repaired. Her skin is then sutured. Note the excess skin left over from the hernial swelling. This will disappear a few months after the surgery. 

Sally is given pain relief and recovers quietly in her cage with her little toy. She has extra pain relief to go home with. There is only 1 small skin suture in the hernia wound and no sutures in the desexing wound.

Sally will be rechecked in 10 days and should have recovered fully.   Explore all our interesting posts

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