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Tick Paralysis

Ticks are dangerous parasites that can kill your pet. If you are worried that your pet has tick paralysis contact us on 99137979 immediately.

Pittwater Animal Hospital can provide you with the safest tick protection.

No tick prevention is ever 100%. You should search your pets daily in tick areas between August and February. The peak season is in October.

What happens if you find a tick on your pet?

If you find a tick on your pet and they are showing any signs of paralysis please contact us immediately. If your pet seems normal you can remove the tick with a tick hook and watch it very carefully. Keep your pet cool and quiet for 24 hours.

Avoid feeding dogs as they may have trouble swallowing which could lead to regurgitation and then pneumonia.

If your pet is showing no signs after 24 hours then that tick will probably not cause paralysis. Make sure you search for other ticks and update your tick prevention.

The signs of tick poisoning

The paralysis tick injects a toxin into its host dog or cat as it feeds. Increased body temperature due to either hot weather or exercise will exacerbate symptoms.

If left to run its course, a case of tick poisoning goes through three stages.

Early signs:

  • A change in voice; the meow or bark becomes softer and/or changes pitch.
  • Weakness in the back legs; walking along then sitting down suddenly is a common early sign.
  • Vomiting, especially if it happens several times in a day and you see froth.

Later signs:

  • Wobbliness in the back legs.
  • Excessive salivation and vomiting is not uncommon.
  • Panting, progressing to loud breathing, even grunting noises.
  • Many dogs will exhibit a moist cough and breathing problems before other signs. (Particularly common in King Charles spaniels, schnauzers and other short-nosed dogs, this is a dangerous sign because it may lead to pneumonia.)

Worsening signs:

  • As signs of poisoning progress, the animals become unable to stand.
  • Breathing becomes exaggerated and difficult.
  • As breathing becomes more difficult, the gums become cold and blue-tinged. Death follows quite quickly.

Tick Paralysis Treatment

The Paralysis Tick Life Cycle

How can you find a tick on your pet?

Tick Prevention

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