What has caused Henry’s eyes to go big and black?
This handsome cat is about to turn 20 years old in February 2022. Do you notice anything different about how he looks?
At nearly two decades old, Henry is eating well, maintaining weight and has just had his annual medication review, which showed beautifully normal blood results for his age. But look at his eyes….his pupils are big and black.
Some years ago Henry went suddenly blind. His pupils dilated because he had bilateral retinal detachment. Some cats get high blood pressure as they age and the first sign of a problem is a sudden detachment of the retina. The pupils dilate to try to let more light into the damaged eyes but the damage is irreversible unless addressed very quickly.
Sadly Henry’s eye sight could not be saved, but his high blood pressure has been very well managed with daily medication.
On his annual check Henry has passed with flying colours.