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For over 60 years, Pittwater Animal Hospital has been committed to keeping Northern Beaches cats healthy, safe, and protected from ticks, fleas, intestinal worms, and feline diseases such as feline respiratory disease (herpes and calici virus) and feline enteritis.

If your cat is on preventative medications from pet shops or online, we’re here to help ensure these are the best choices for them and to update their medical record. Our convenient online Preventative Health Review form is available for cats of all ages—simply fill it out, and we’ll review your cat’s Feline 3 vaccinations, tick and flea prevention, and worming to confirm everything is appropriate and effective.

We’ll also remind you of yearly health checks by text, helping you keep your cat’s health on track and giving you peace of mind.

Preventative review for dogs page.

    Owner's Name *

    Email Address *

    Phone Number

    Cat's Name

    Approximate Weight

    Indoor/Outdoor Status:
    Always IndoorsOutdoors SometimesOften Outdoors

    Current Tick and Flea Control

    How Often Given

    What month are your cat's yearly vaccinations and health check due? (As a PAH patient we will have this on record but are adding this question for completeness)

    Current Intestinal Worm Control

    How Often Given

    Please send this form even if it is not complete and add any questions here.

    Please type the letters you see below:

    Register as a new client using our online form.

    Are your pet's up to date with preventatives? Take our Preventative Health Review.

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    Based on 297 reviews